Thursday 9 February 2012

SATS Tests 2012

The SATS tests this year will take place during the weeks of 14th and 21st May and are an important milestone in your child’s education. 
We would like to keep you as well-informed as possible as to the format of the tests and the national expectations set by the government. Therefore, we would like to invite you to attend an information session with your child, on Thursday 1st March at 2.00pm. This will be an informal meeting in which you will have the opportunity to discuss any issues you may have.
We will then run weekly sessions, each with a different subject-related focus. You may attend all of these or pick and choose as you wish. The sessions will give you the opportunity to work alongside your child and become better informed as to ways of supporting them at home. Refreshments will be provided!
You do not need to commit to attending all of the sessions. However, we know that the children would really appreciate your support and time.